In Sympathy
This list was last updated in September 2024. If you know of other alumnae who have passed, please email Ms. Peyton LaValley at and she will have them added. Thank you!
- Tillie Chelminiak, Class of 1930
- Martha Kujawski Braun, Class of 1930
- Marie Motycka Hager, Class of 1930
- Gertrude Gabriel Ozog, Class of 1931
- Frances Skoczynski Slowik, Class of 1931
- Mary O'Callahan Schreiber, Class of 1932
- Isabelle Wrzeszcz Wolowicki, Class of 1932
- Betty Kosinski MacVicar, Class of 1932
- Harriet Pranschke Monka, Class of 1933
- Jeanne Naffz Sisson, Class of1933
- Anne Rokosz Stoffl, Class of 1933
- Frances Svec Thompson, Class of 1933
- Florence O'Callahan Vandam, Class of 1933
- Mary Alice Kwasny, Class of 1933
- Marvelle Appell Herbster, Class of 1933
- Marie Claire Gorak, Class of 1934
- Marie Welter, Class of 1934
- Mabel Ballas Schrage, Class of 1934
- Emily Krysa Pavlik, Class of 1934
- Lolita Schulien Maher, Class of 1934
- Jean Kuta Kizior, Class of 1934
- Estelle Obremski Sprengel, Class of 1935
- Victoria Mary Bochnik, Class of 1935
- Emily Walaszek Wallace, Class of 1935
- Mary Laurenta Koziatek, Class of 1935
- Martha Mary Nosal, Class of 1936
- Emily Bogusz Walczak, Class of 1936
- Genevieve Paprocki Conrad, Class of 1936
- Antoinette Serafin Metz, Class of 1936
- Betty Gerken Arens, Class of 1936
- Elizabeth Brislen Pelletier, Class of 1937
- Irene Grobelna Winski, Class of 1937
- Harriet Urbanski Wojcik, Class of 1937
- Mary Camille Miklos, Class of 1937
- Mary Jerome Rompala, Class of 1937
- Sister M. Valentine Bogucki, Class of 1937
- Seraphin Pochron, Class of 1938
- Lenore Kusek, Class of 1938
- Mary Berchmans Wysocki, Class of 1938
- Natalie Jaworski, Class of 1938
- Albina Grabacki Sebern, Class of 1938
- Irene Gabriel Regosh, Class of 1938
- Florence Guenther Heimerle, Class of 1938
- Evelyn Bogusz Henek, Class of 1939
- Therese Middie Jatczak, Class of 1939
- Frances Stoklosa Sadowski, Class of 1939
- Beatrice Kennelly Stasch, Class of 1939
- Grace Skowron Vottero, Class of 1939
- Elaine Cotteleer Ward, Class of 1939
- June Rose Whalen, Class of 1940
- Frances De Sales Matan, Class of 1940
- Verna Brandl, Class of 1940
- Mary Fisher Toffenetti, Class of 1940
- Delores Malecke Chelini, Class of 1940
- Leona Binkowski Cherner, Class of 1940
- Catherine Fisher Migalla, Class of 1940
- Marian Ciolek McDonald, Class of 1940
- Marion Narloch Majkut, Class of 1940
- Dorothy McGannon Manlove Peck, Class of 1940
- Bernadette Guenther Lyons, Class of 1940
- Lucille Nedbal Little, Class of 1940
- Virginia Kushemba Karlowicz, Class of 1940
- Irene Plys Grzetic, Class of 1940
- Edith Bukowski Kooyumjian, Class of 1940
- Harriet Lenard Jaskiewicz, Class of 1941
- Elaine Zold Koepke, Class of 1941
- Helen Bilinski Hansel, Class of 1941
- Margaret Laage Gerretsen, Class of 1941
- Lorraine Manning Esterquest, Class of 1941
- Lorraine Gortowski Augspurger, Class of 1941
- Eleanore Kamysz Mrozek, Class of 1941
- Marian Perz Reid, Class of 1941
- Annette Nedza Pawlikowski, Class of 1941
- Theresa Pecorelli Suarez, Class of 1941
- Florence Kowalczyk Szady, Class of 1941
- Catherine Cullen, Class of 1941
- Barbara Roszkowski Zgonina, Class of 1941
- Constance Polek, Class of 1941
- Cecilianne Narlock, Class of 1942
- Irene Hildwein, Class of 1942
- Dorothy Ziemann Vogler, Class of 1942
- Elizabeth Koziel Schroeder, Class of 1942
- Maxine Merta Clayton, Class of 1942
- Leocadia Motyl Nix, Class of 1942
- Maud McGannon Brittain, Class of 1942
- Veronica Fieri Elftmann, Class of 1942
- Dolores Shramek Deringer, Class of 1942
- Alice Gerken Gowgiel, Class of 1942
- Romona Gordon Hentschell, Class of 1942
- Roselyn Gesicki Herbert, Class of 1942
- Margaret Fenlon Kuh, Class of 1942
- Shirley Johannsen Larson, Class of 1942
- Dorothy Mary Babicz King, Class of 1943
- Theresa Bischoffer Janczak, Class of 1943
- Dorothy Misiura Granacki, Class of 1943
- Patricia Burchard DiBenedetto, Class of 1943
- Ursula Smok Pachucki, Class of 1943
- Florence Stalica Preski, Class of 1943
- Antoinette Pionke Sadowski, Class of 1943
- Rita Liszka Singer, Class of 1943
- Irene Rosienski Shepherd, Class of 1943
- Lois Janicki Waskowski, Class of 1943
- Genevieve Raczka Wieszczyk, Class of 1943
- Dolores Manning Shay, Class of 1944
- Florence Lis Stewart, Class of 1944
- Margaret Kohnke Stieber, Class of 1944
- Margaret Pawelczyk Samek, Class of 1944
- Albina Wojtowski Marchuk, Class of 1944
- Theresa Gibbons McManus, Class of 1944
- Catherine Fahey Joyce, Class of 1944
- Dorothy Mroz Kruzel, Class of 1945
- Niesje Coughlin Goodrich, Class of 1945
- Mary Zaborniak Ahlborn, Class of 1945
- Myrene Gerken Ruud, Class of 1945
- Mildred Sendelbach Clemens, Class of 1945
- Felicia Kosiba Steffens, Class of 1945
- Rosalie Maslowski Tryon Barber, Class of 1945
- Irene Serafin Urso, Class of 1945
- Irene Cichowski Schalke, Class of 1945
- Lorraine Koziol, Class of 1945
- Dennis Bochenek, Class of 1945
- Sister Claudia Urbanik, Class of 1945
- Vita Markowski Pranschke, Class of 1945
- Dorothy Wojtowski, Class of 1946
- Lenore Grow, Class of 1946
- Lillian Kobleski, Class of 1946
- Lorraine Klein Turner, Class of 1946
- Christine Michalski Tafel, Class of 1946
- Louanna Kohnke Steinken, Class of 1946
- Mary Fenlon Charleston, Class of 1946
- Alice Morrison Domme, Class of 1946
- Dolores Gabriel Donash, Class of 1946
- Patricia Koskiewicz Kellerman, Class of 1946
- Lorraine Glowienke Kapela, Class of 1946
- Elizabeth Wilenski Horowicz, Class of 1946
- Loretta Skarpinski Iwans, Class of 1946
- Patricia Livingston Klingberg, Class of 1947
- Virginia Opiela Klopotic, Class of 1947
- Anne Pedi La Rocca, Class of 1947
- Patricia Mondry Demko, Class of 1947
- Rosemary Riley Frisinger, Class of 1947
- Patricia Zimny Riordan, Class of 1947
- Dolores Figueroa Rogers, Class of 1947
- Elaine Lenzini Marks, Class of 1947
- Betty Neenan Bard, Class of 1947
- Patricia Johnson Ayres, Class of 1947
- Rita Janusz Rysztogi, Class of 1947
- Gertrude Gorak, Class of 1947
- Sister M. Antonine Mikita, Class of 1947
- Karen O'Kelly, Class of 1947
- Cecelia Mazon, Class of 1948
- Francine Blaszynski Zurkowski, Class of 1948
- Phyllis Wasik Skibbens, Class of 1948
- Dolores Knapp Babin, Class of 1948
- Nancy Grant Boarini, Class of 1948
- Margaret Quinn Quaid, Class of 1948
- Madeline Jannotta Palmissano, Class of 1948
- Dorothy Wesolowski Gibson, Class of 1948
- Anna Milewski Durec, Class of 1948
- Lois Morton Laine, Class of 1948
- Lottie Obrzut Lans, Class of 1948
- Jeannine Campbell Peyton, Class of 1948
- Barbara Roche Hopkins, Class of 1948
- Ann Norman Kappelman, Class of 1949
- Janet Leonard Kapustka, Class of 1949
- Arlene Rizner Kallinger, Class of 1949
- Marilyn Prewitt Kohn, Class of 1949
- Carol Hoffman Koch, Class of 1949
- Marcia Green Duckworth, Class of 1949
- Lois Noxon Dowell, Class of 1949
- Geraldine Mahler Finn, Class of 1949
- Carol Brett Pankau, Class of 1949
- Virginia Wilenski Raczkowski, Class of 1949
- Joan Teidel Brown, Class of 1949
- Beatrice Rekus Sevcik, Class of 1949
- Dorothy Rompala Uher, Class of 1949
- Dolores Niedzielak Yurkowski, Class of 1949
- Virginia Sandall Wydra, Class of 1949
- Sister Ruth Danielski, Class of 1949
- Sister Anne Sandrock, Class of 1949
- Laurentia Fenlon, Class of 1950
- Mary Madden, Class of 1950
- Eugenia Ptak, Class of 1950
- Charlene Gernenz, Class of 1950
- Loretta Mikos Sment, Class of 1950
- Theresa Zack Sowa, Class of 1950
- Agatha Kaepplinger Butcher, Class of 1950
- Dolores Hintz Bogusiewicz, Class of 1950
- Jean Mangerich Meister, Class of 1950
- Coletta Jung Ollerer, Class of 1950
- Patti Anderson Murchison, Class of 1950
- Betty Czosek Murphy, Class of 1950
- La Donna Rupinski Dunkin, Class of 1950
- Lois Zander Kirsh, Class of 1950
- Mary Conto Hooker, Class of 1950
- Mary Ann Kula Holden, Class of 1950
- Lillian Swidlikiewicz Johnson, Class of 1951
- Arlene Jarmacz Jones, Class of 1951
- Dorothy Jagielski Lacione, Class of 1951
- Dorothy Kotschevar Dembinski, Class of 1951
- Helen Obrzut Figiel, Class of 1951
- Mary Cabala Panczyszyn, Class of 1951
- Elaine Wawrzyniak Neuroth, Class of 1951
- Mary Tynan Rambert, Class of 1951
- Joan Eliasen Anderson, Class of 1951
- Adrienne Papanickolas Camberis, Class of 1951
- Margaret Stelmach Bochniak, Class of 1951
- Patricia Gilbert, Class of 1951
- Verna Geneske Hastings, Class of 1951
- Sister Grace Andrews, Class of 1951
- Jacqueline Mont Marquette Wolf, Class of 1951
- Grace Markowski Werba, Class of 1951
- Ellen Miller, Class of 1952
- Theresa Szyjka, Class of 1952
- Geri Adams Sell, Class of 1952
- Joan Schwartz Schaefges, Class of 1952
- Eileen Kotlarz Boos, Class of 1952
- Loretta Tragasz Madaj, Class of 1952
- Patricia Farrell Obecny, Class of 1952
- Paula Zbilski Filas, Class of 1952
- Rita Baumann Grana, Class of 1952
- Jane Sitkiewicz Krzysik, Class of 1952
- Hyacinth Glon Kroeppler, Class of 1953
- Geraldine Steger Hanson, Class of 1953
- Judith Sass Mitten, Class of 1953
- Pat Dzieciolowska Peters, Class of 1953
- Georgette Trawin Regan, Class of 1953
- Joan Furno Andreoni, Class of 1953
- Dolores Piasecki McAndrew, Class of 1953
- Peggy Bachmann Viola, Class of 1953
- Mary Andrews, Class of 1953
- June Ertler, Class of 1953
- Marjorie Kaepplinger, Class of 1953
- Norma Wojcik, Class of 1953
- Jeanne Anderson, Class of 1954
- Colette Brzezinski, Class of 1954
- Dorothy Kuta, Class of 1954
- Marilyn Valters Wercheik, Class of 1954
- Marilyn Santowski Leksander, Class of 1954
- Mary Jo Pollachek Buhr, Class of 1954
- Joan Lech Bertram, Class of 1954
- Barbara Szabados Rice, Class of 1954
- Renette Pietrowiak Childers, Class of 1954
- Virginia Sobel Kuta, Class of 1954
- Donna Smietana Joy, Class of 1954
- Joy Cronin Fischer, Class of 1955
- Dorothy Murray Fanella, Class of 1955
- Claudia Grzesiak Rogner, Class of 1955
- Wanda Gibula Ortyn, Class of 1955
- Alice Laibe Phillips, Class of 1955
- Loretta McTigue Pryde, Class of 1955
- Stephanie Zaucha Broz, Class of 1955
- Linda Richardson Lundgren, Class of 1955
- Marianne Zurawski Linn, Class of 1955
- Judy Madden Waters, Class of 1955
- Diane Szaradowski Brown, Class of 1955
- Antoinette Tucek, Class of 1955
- Katherine Fenlon, Class of 1955
- Dianne Le Jeune Keefe, Class of 1955
- Carolyn Maas, Class of 1955
- Judith Kujawaski Bernico, Class of 1955
- Suzanne Walsh Uselis, Class of 1956
- Roxanne Bothie McPherson, Class of 1956
- Elaine Tworek, Class of 1956
- Joan Schulget Bieniasz, Class of 1956
- Patricia Garreffa Barkulis, Class of 1956
- Marion Augustine Fedyna, Class of 1956
- Theresa Muchowicz Eshelman, Class of 1956
- Joyce Zugehar Dornqwast, Class of 1956
- Rosemarie Meyer Dominick, Class of 1956
- Carol Mott Jaeger, Class of 1956
- Barbara Wach Kush, Class of 1957
- Kathleen Riedl Fuller, Class of 1957
- Mary Lantvit Giorno, Class of 1957
- Sharon Lee Kosmel Blovsky, Class of 1957
- Laurita Thibault Rea, Class of 1957
- Sally Spryszak, Class of 1957
- Jean Witek, Class of 1957
- Mary Ciesla, Class of 1957
- Wilma Draz, Class of 1957
- Penelope Dyda, Class of 1957
- Margaret Becker Rupkey, Class of 1957
- Roberta Kupiszewski Schweig, Class of 1958
- Thomasetta Czajkowski Solak, Class of 1958
- Caroline Peterson Taschetta, Class of 1958
- Philomene Marcy, Class of 1958
- Roseann Valenzia Ferrante, Class of 1958
- Carole Birk Blankenship, Class of 1958
- Joan Ries Hiera, Class of 1958
- Madeline Kisla Griffin, Class of 1958
- Camille Lata Edminster, Class of 1958
- Diane Byster Jelonek, Class of 1958
- Carol Heiman Jenkins, Class of 1958
- Patricia Le Duc Janke, Class of 1958
- Dorine Renzetti Kehoe, Class of 1958
- Louise Manda Johnson, Class of 1959
- Barbara Marra Hohmann, Class of 1959
- Patricia Rost Kusar, Class of 1959
- Christine Wasielewski Kelly, Class of 1959
- Mary Lou Stadick Doll, Class of 1959
- Carole Draag Biegalski, Class of 1959
- Alice Woscinski Balakrishnan, Class of 1959
- Arlene Potocki Bellinger, Class of 1959
- Susan Pufahl MacLean, Class of 1959
- Sylvia Milarski Ptaszek, Class of 1959
- Virginia Furno Paxhia, Class of 1959
- Barbara Kulik Stoltz, Class of 1959
- Rita Mary Ganser, Class of 1959
- Joyce Marie Rankin, Class of 1959
- Dorothy Novinski Highline, Class of 1959
- Karen Wiater Sheehan, Class of 1959
- Dolores Simon Sviatko, Class of 1960
- Bernadine Russo Walsh, Class of 1960
- Camille Parat Waddington, Class of 1960
- Kathleen Cherwin Wagner, Class of 1960
- Barbara Olejniczak, Class of 1960
- Adrienne Voisinet Cumicek, Class of 1960
- Victoria Wersching Nowak, Class of 1960
- Jean Hawley Clark, Class of 1960
- Marcyn Block Matuszek, Class of 1960
- Nancy Golojuch Meschke, Class of 1960
- Lorraine Bienik Cape, Class of 1960
- Joanne Cirringione Carroll, Class of 1960
- Diane Simkowski Bauer, Class of 1960
- Joyce Johnson Fahlsing, Class of 1960
- Susan Olsen Downing, Class of 1961
- Hollace Kopke Concannon, Class of 1961
- Barbara Olechny Giannini, Class of 1961
- Karen Bush Hildebrandt, Class of 1961
- Carol Serafin Baranowski, Class of 1961
- Susan Dessimoz, Class of 1961
- Jean Voisinet Ryba, Class of 1961
- June Gawlik Bradshaw, Class of 1961
- Barbara Ann Krasniewski, Class of 1961
- Arlene Durlak, Class of 1961
- Judith Marcy, Class of 1961
- Linda Spryszak Janke, Class of 1961
- Arlene Lacey Beyna, Class of 1961
- Mary Ellen Root Jacobson, Class of 1961
- Carole Killian, Class of 1962
- Bernadette Halan Jones, Class of 1962
- Kathleen Spahn Smoler, Class of 1962
- Kathy Dziekonski Schupbach, Class of 1962
- Janet Jeszka Porcarello, Class of 1962
- Christine Drogosz Tougas, Class of 1962
- Christine Kuta Dominick, Class of 1962
- Connie Smoczynski Doetsch, Class of 1962
- Louise Stadick Krause, Class of 1963
- Madeline Wojcik Smialek, Class of 1963
- Anita Cudia Zydel, Class of 1963
- Joan Norek, Class of 1963
- Claudette Ivanic Powell, Class of 1963
- Mary Grimes Dutcher, Class of 1964
- Gloria Rankin, Class of 1964
- Judith Kulpa Conmy, Class of 1964
- Catherine Cress Romano, Class of 1964
- Elfie Christiansen Smith, Class of 1964
- Sandra Tortorice Szot, Class of 1964
- Judith Leffner Kosowski, Class of 1964
- Kathleen Kennedy Kemnetz, Class of 1964
- Patricia McKinley Johnson, Class of 1964
- Diane Amenitsch Dabros, Class of 1964
- Suzanne Stell Anton, Class of 1964
- Charlene Kawa Bryan, Class of 1965
- Marlene Glabus Brodzick, Class of 1965
- Lynne Ligman Mondo, Class of 1965
- Kathryn McAdam Nash, Class of 1965
- Sharon Augustyn Powell, Class of 1965
- Pat Flood Delaney, Class of 1965
- Joyce Bieniasz Feistel, Class of 1965
- Paulette Duellman Haglund, Class of 1965
- Janet Wirtz Vojtas, Class of 1965
- Mary Thoennes Welk, Class of 1965
- Therese Pytel, Class of 1965
- Patricia Ziliac, Class of 1965
- Angela Wyncott, Class of 1965
- Marilyn Kuhr, Class of 1966
- Mary Ann Sabino, Class of 1966
- Susan Fyda, Class of 1966
- Jann DeLaMoreaux, Class of 1966
- Marie Kelley, Class of 1966
- Anne Berswordt, Class of 1966
- Georgine Marie Smolinski, Class of 1966
- Patricia Ross Strugalla, Class of 1966
- Peggy Ochab Shannon, Class of 1966
- Mary Matheis Fahey, Class of 1966
- Barbara Fredericks Jandacek, Class of 1966
- Alice Klosowski Mazzola, Class of 1966
- Kathleen Rataj Mayo, Class of 1967
- Diane Lorman Adamick, Class of 1967
- Sandra LoSasso Adamski, Class of 1967
- Patricia O'Brien Cerny, Class of 1967
- Christine Kudlick Polazzi, Class of 1967
- Melanie Germaine Muff, Class of 1967
- Mary Mulvey O'Heath, Class of 1967
- Darlene Betley Magic, Class of 1967
- Peggy Cavanaugh Hollis, Class of 1967
- Carol Fiset Hoppe, Class of 1967
- Jill Sperath Lear, Class of 1967
- Carol Moran Gresens, Class of 1967
- Katherine Kobler Hiera, Class of 1967
- Pamela Kaye Seitz, Class of 1967
- Antonette Pruban Thommes, Class of 1967
- Catherine Schlenz Thoresdale, Class of 1967
- Darlene Lucary Ulatowski, Class of 1967
- Georgeanne Wielgus, Class of 1967
- Mary Ellen Zydowsky Miller, Class of 1967
- Christine Schultz Como, Class of 1967
- Hazel Reid, Class of 1967
- Patricia Roy, Class of 1967
- Paulette Herdegan, Class of 1967
- Mary Arens, Class of 1968
- Eileen Ross, Class of 1968
- Margaret Pollice Virgilio, Class of 1968
- Christine Boza Spire, Class of 1968
- Francine Czaja Quesnell, Class of 1968
- Judy Sowa Ross, Class of 1968
- Susan Migalla Sampson, Class of 1968
- Carole Boos Lienau, Class of 1968
- Ruth Moran Maloney, Class of 1968
- Nancy Creagh Bober, Class of 1969
- Janice Kabat Balsitis, Class of 1969
- Liz Groya Oriole, Class of 1969
- Celia Johnson Pappas, Class of 1969
- Kathy Murray Hezinger, Class of 1969
- Elizabeth Zubinski Heidel, Class of 1969
- Marlene Wilczynski Gill, Class of 1969
- Jane Bogucki Cyr, Class of 1969
- Marianne Lampugnano Dinella, Class of 1969
- Candice Ciborowski Knight, Class of 1969
- Therese Szymczyk Hughes, Class of 1969
- Beverly Borucki Sexton, Class of 1969
- Cornelia Becker Schilling, Class of 1969
- Linda Lesner Schulewitz, Class of 1969
- Arlene Kluza Wenzel, Class of 1969
- Patricia Grady Walenga, Class of 1969
- Karen Gronski, Class of 1969
- Linda Holbrook Briggs, Class of 1969
- Charmaine Kaczmarek, Class of 1969
- Gertrude Kiebala, Class of 1969
- Kathie Cummings, Class of 1969
- Mary Dolan, Class of 1969
- Mary Lawlor, Class of 1969
- Pamela McCarthy, Class of 1970
- Kathleen Fuller, Class of 1970
- Shirley Zak, Class of 1970
- Linda Cappello, Class of 1970
- Dagmar Pressling Simon, Class of 1970
- Mary Ziliak Lang, Class of 1970
- Kathy McDonugh Moulton, Class of 1970
- Barbara Derosier Mruz, Class of 1970
- Jane Meyers Bamonti, Class of 1970
- Maureen Barry Cannon, Class of 1970
- Patricia Zydowsky Mason, Class of 1970
- Carol Fabianski McDonald, Class of 1970
- Paula Thoma Barans, Class of 1971
- Lee Szyska Laney, Class of 1971
- Judith Kokoszka Evangelisti, Class of 1971
- Janice Mierzwa Tufano, Class of 1971
- Roberta Clark Therriault, Class of 1971
- Anita Lavezzi Sutton, Class of 1971
- Susan Ringa Stathes, Class of 1971
- Kathleen White Steelman, Class of 1971
- Nancy Uhlir, Class of 1971
- Margaret Dolan, Class of 1971
- Mary Elliott, Class of 1971
- Kathleen Lynch, Class of 1971
- Barbara Hinze, Class of 1971
- Pamela Pirkins Trinco, Class of 1972
- Diane Rominski, Class of 1972
- Melanie Chasen, Class of 1972
- Janice Zondlo Wajda, Class of 1972
- Roberta O'Connor, Class of 1972
- Janet Yencich Eberhardt, Class of 1972
- Rae Knop Classen, Class of 1972
- Mary Ryan Reinking, Class of 1972
- Adrianne Magiera Murphy, Class of 1973
- Sally Haftl Marasa, Class of 1973
- Bonny Roscoe Dytko, Class of 1973
- Linda Samek Dubow, Class of 1973
- Sue Bernardi Fosco, Class of 1973
- Cheryl Detert Grodecki, Class of 1973
- Rosemary DeMonte Hulina, Class of 1973
- Susan Bergant Karaszkiewicz, Class of 1973
- Nancy Czyzewski Styczenski, Class of 1973
- Mary Kowalski Schwartz, Class of 1973
- Vicki Lah, Class of 1973
- Leona Kopec Powers, Class of 1973
- Ann Jankowski, Class of 1973
- Sharon Grummel King, Class of 1973
- Kathleen O'Leary, Class of 1973
- Constance Cich, Class of 1973
- Michelle Cajda, Class of 1973
- Anna W. Olearnik, Class of 1973
- Ellen Diakoumis, Class of 1974
- Cynthia Petzel, Class of 1974
- Donna Derosier, Class of 1974
- Ann Holda Wiewel, Class of 1974
- Donna Mozdzeniak Hedrick, Class of 1974
- Mary Zurek Soszynski, Class of 1975
- Terry Grummel, Class of 1975
- Nancy Policht, Class of 1975
- Larisa Markewych, Class of 1975
- Anne Brown Bleicher, Class of 1975
- Katherine Olendzki Patti, Class of 1975
- Kathleen Jones Lee, Class of 1976
- Barbara Conlon Engdahl, Class of 1976
- Beatrice Madaj, Class of 1976
- Beth Ukleja, Class of 1976
- Ann O'Malley, Class of 1976
- Sue Panzica, Class of 1976
- Ramona Zarczynski, Class of 1977
- Patricia Brugger, Class of 1977
- Susan Schlau Ajlan, Class of 1977
- Camille Bonczkowski Swidron, Class of 1977
- Margaret Seiwert Jakobi, Class of 1977
- Mary Guerrieri Bertolini, Class of 1978
- Veronica Zelske Armstrong, Class of 1978
- Ellen Bowler, Class of 1978
- Janet Clettenberg Doyle, Class of 1978
- Charlotte Lennon, Class of 1978
- Sally Stefanski, Class of 1979
- Antoinette Restivo, Class of 1979
- Jenifer Hyde, Class of 1979
- Patricia Kusinski, Class of 1979
- Deborah Ciecko Adamson, Class of 1979
- Susan Stapka Ringfelt-Slywczuk, Class of 1979
- Maureen Dyra Jasinski, Class of 1979
- Christine M. Lisiecki, Class of 1979
- Susan Moriarty Greco, Class of 1980
- Marita Deresinski Szyszka, Class of 1980
- Ellen Kulas Coddington, Class of 1980
- Christine Olender, Class of 1980
- Caroline Vick, Class of 1980
- Linda Puetz Babusci, Class of 1980
- Sandra Osika, Class of 1981
- Nury Perez, Class of 1981
- Cecilia Prato Montonera, Class of 1981
- Valerie Scherer, Class of 1981
- Patricia Duffy, Class of 1981
- Penny Mels Pearson, Class of 1981
- Michelle Krach Verest, Class of 1981
- Mary Roback, Class of 1981
- Barbara Efrosinis Moza, Class of 1982
- Thomascine Crawford, Class of 1982
- Dorothy Bak Wawrzonkowski, Class of 1982
- Marjorie Fujara, Class of 1982
- Teresa Johnson, Class of 1982
- Ann M. Duffy, Class of 1983
- Dawn Geyer, Class of 1983
- Patricia Hetzel Lancaster, Class of 1983
- Mary McNeela Allegretti, Class of 1983
- Maureen Conroy, Class of 1983
- Noreen Masterson Nolan, Class of 1983
- Karen Struck O'Connor, Class of 1983
- Margaret Wolf, Class of 1983
- Terri Zielinski Enriquez, Class of 1983
- Holly Wantuch, Class of 1983
- Cosima Florio Gervais, Class of 1983
- Nancy DeSalvo, Class of 1984
- Laura Bentley Hartmann, Class of 1984
- Lynda Modugno- Blezien, Class of 1984
- Margaret Rodden Wydra, Class of 1984
- Peggy Rempala, Class of 1985
- Peggy Regan, Class of 1985
- Maureen McGee Kogen, Class of 1985
- Tamara Staniec Fischer, Class of 1985
- Susan McGuane Kowalczyk, Class of 1985
- Mary Stancy Henry, Class of 1986
- Michelle DeLise, Class of 1986
- Colleen Brueck Selep, Class of 1986
- Susan Rimar, Class of 1987
- Joann Matlak Abraham, Class of 1987
- Maureen Mangan, Class of 1987
- Karen O'Keefe Schowalter, Class of 1987
- Kathleen K. Cadogan, Class of 1987
- Kellie Sklena, Class of 1988
- Cindy Szewczyk Pleasant, Class of 1988
- Nicole Brunke, Class of 1989
- Michele Andrea, Class of 1989
- Christine McIntyre Oleszczak, Class of 1990
- Sandra Strom, Class of 1990
- Maura Hanlon, Class of 1991
- Nicole Killian Colello, Class of 1991
- Paula ChrystofCrow, Class of 1992
- Jennifer L. Ellerman Queen, Class of 1992
- Anne Marie McGeever, Class of 1993
- Elizabeth Hojnacki Breede, Class of 1994
- Nikki Howell, Class of 1994
- Melissa Monaco Hanacek, Class of 1995
- Kristin Malinowski Strelec, Class of 1996
- Jennifer Mertes Kostanski, Class of 1996
- Theresa McGuane Link, Class of 1997
- Rose Pleines-Zych, Class of 1998