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Bandit Athletics

Cross Country Team 2022

Confidence. Strength. Competitive Spirit.

Welcome to Resurrection Athletics - Home of the Bandits!

Athletics is another way Resurrection builds young women’s confidence and prepares them to take on leadership positions in all levels of society. It helps young women develop collaborative skills, strengthen their bodies, and create competitive spirit. 

Resurrection College Prep student-athletes learn to excel physically and academically with integrity, respect, hard work and leadership, while setting personal goals in a collaborative team environment. Nearly half of the student body participates in an athletic sport. With twenty-six teams and twelve sports to choose from, we offer a wide range of options for athletes to test and strengthen their limits.

The Resurrection campus includes ample green space in the midst of our Chicago neighborhood. With over 22 acres of land, our campus is filled with room for our many sports teams to practice and compete. Outdoor spaces on our campus are large enough to host 1.5 mile cross country meets and also include two softball fields, a soccer field, a lacrosse field, and track.   

Resurrection College Prep High School is a proud member of the Girls' Catholic Athletic Conference (GCAC) and the Illinois High School Association (IHSA).

Athletic News and Announcements

Spirit Wear

Online Store

The online Bandit Spirit Shop is sponsored by the Resurrection College Prep Athletic Boosters as a fundraising activity to support athletic programs at Resurrection.  The site is run by BSN Sports.


BSN Online Bandit Spirit Store


Athletic Director

Mr. Eddie Kane has been Athletic Director at Resurrection since the 2016-17 school year. Mr. Kane attended the University of Notre Dame for his Masters of Education degree, as well as for his undergraduate studies. Mr. Kane earned his Certified Athletic Administrator (CAA) certification from the NIAAA in 2017 as well as his Certified Master Athletic Administrator (CMAA) in 2018.  Both Certifications were earned through the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA), which is the only program in the nation that certifies High School Athletic Directors.  

Phone: 773.775.6616 Ext 134